Friday, January 23, 2015


I've been home sick the last couple days. It was wonderful. Not the sick part, but being home. Even still, work managed to call me, email me and text me all day long. That's just an example of how I'm never really free from this job. Anyway, in between all the work related communications, I finally had some time for me. I read. I watched TV. I prayed. I cleaned. I organized. I made (as opposed to microwaved) meals. I would have exercised a bit too, if I wasn't so sick. It was practically a vacation (except for the part where I was still working). I needed that. It's really sad that I need to get sick before I can finally find some relief from work. I've already contemplated using vacation days just to catch up on the normal errands most people have time to do daily. I fantasize about 40 hour work weeks and 3 weeks of vacation a year. I really need to find a solution to this work/life balancing act before I burn out.

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